Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Goodbye Paediatrics & Welcome Surgery..


My Paeds posting results had just released. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah..:') I'm passed. Alhamdulillah3x. Alhamdulillah for all the GOOD and BAD that I've been through this posting..Thank you Allah..eventhough I know I'm not perform that

"If Allah should aid you. no one can overcome you; But if He should forsake you, who is there can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely" (Quran 3:160)
Alhamdulillah for Allah has given me, Astaghfirullah for all that I've taken for granted and InshaAllah for all the hopes I have of things to come..I'm now heading towards Surgery. Sayonara Paediatrics~

Missing them..:')When we come to Paediatric ward, we love to play with the children. And sometimes the amount of time spent on clerking was lesser compared to building rapport with the child.hee.

Once the child was attached to you, its hard to stop playing.Really..Buhbye kids..tssk

Proud moment over.

Currently, I'm having my Surgery posting which is totally a new world and new environment for me. From the stories that I got through the seniors and previous group, Surgery=Secaryy..(I dunno why I've got the same feeling when I first enter my O&G posting.huu.)

But somehow, I feel like surgery is kind of interesting. While the doctors from other department are just called as Dr. or Prof. but in Surgery, regardless what title or position they hold (except for the Dato' one.ehek), the surgeons are all addressed as Mr. @ Mrs. or Ms. Hm.I wonder why..

Nah.Here the 5 things that we need to cover within this week:
  1. Abdominal Examination
  2. Head and neck examination
  3. Breast examination
  4. Lower limbs and vascular examination
  5. Lumps and bumps examination
So many things need to revise back especially the Anatomy. Till then, pray for me!

p/s: Increase me in knowledge Ya Allah..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keep on Praying

Hidup tak selalunya lawa. Tak selalunya ada pelangi. Kalau nak bed of roses pun, duri-durinya tetap ada. Kadang-kadang calamity itu datang dan waktu tu rasa macam kena gelek dengan ahli sumo dah. Rasa tak mampu nak bangkit.

Tapi walau apa pun yang jadi, ingat apa yang Dia selalu pesan..Allah tidak akan bebankan hambaNya dengan apa yang hambaNya tidak mampu. Dia juga tak pernah menjanjikan hidup ini mudah, tapi Dia berjanji akan sentiasa berada disisi kita disaat kita susah.

Kalau kita ada terrible day, feeling down, feeling like can't see the way out, turn to Him. Ask Him. Never stop asking. Bayangkan if the kindness of a person will make us cry, inikan pula the Kindness of Allah..:')

"Dan didapatiNya engkau mencari-cari (jalan yang benar), lalu Ia memberikan petunjuk"(Ad-Dhuha: 7)

 Make Du'a to Him. He is always with the needy..

Doa dari hati, bukan sekadar di bibir. Tanpa berdoa pun sebenarnya Allah tahu apa kemahuan kita, cuma, Doa yang dipohon itu adalah untuk menunjukkan pengabdian dan penyerahan diri kita yang hina dan dina kepadaNya..
Doesn't matter cepat atau lambat doa itu dimakbulkan..Yang penting berdoa. Allah menilai kesungguhan kita berdoa dan mengharap padaNya. Dia menilai sejauh mana kebergantungan kita terhadapNya. Dahulukan berdoa, kemudian berserah. Terpulang pada Allah sama ada ingin memakbulkan doa itu dengan cepat atau tidak. Teruskan berdoa. Dia mendengar..Dia sentiasa bersama hambaNYa yang memerlukan..(huhu.reminding myself too)

p/s: Dear Allah. I pray that whoever reads this message shall have Your comfort, joy, peace, love, & guidance. I may not know their troubles, but You do. Please keep protecting us.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Berubah memang bukan mudah
Allah akan terus menguji keikhlasanmu
Dan pada masa itu, kau punya dua pilihan
Take it, or leave it

Ingat, Allah tak perlukan kau
Kekuasaan Allah takkan kurang sedikit pun kalau kau putus asa
Kau yang perlukan Allah
Jangan takut untuk bermula dari bawah
Kerana yang berada di atas belum tentu tidak akan jatuh

Dan dalam pendakianmu
Jangan pernah berhenti berdoa kepadaNya
Agar Dia kuatkan hatimu
Walau apapun dugaan yang Dia berikan
Jangan pernah merasakan dirimu cukup
Kerana banyak lagi yang Dia mahu berikan

Tapi andainya kau sudah merasa cukup,
Maka segalanya telah berakhir buatmu..

 Ya Allah, Tuhan yang membolak-balikkan hati, teguhkanlah hatiku pada agama-Mu dan jagalah perasaan ini agar tidak melampaui batasnya..

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sollu 'ala nabi..

Ummul Mukminin A’ishah menceritakan,

“Suatu hari, tatkala aku melihat Rasulullah saw dalam mood yang baik, aku berkata kepadanya,

“Ya Rasulullah, mohonlah doa kepada Allah untukku!”
Maka baginda saw pun berdoa,

“Ya Allah, ampunkanlah A’ishah, dosa-dosanya yang lalu, dosa-dosanya yang akan datang, apa-apa yang dia sembunyikan, dan apa-apa yang dia zahirkan.”

Aku pun tersenyum girang, hingga kurasakan kepalaku hampir jatuh ke ribaku dek kerana kegembiraan itu. Berkata Rasulullah kepadaku,

“Sukakah engkau akan doaku itu?” Aku menjawab,

“Tentu, bagaimana mungkin doamu itu tidak membuatkan aku gembira!”

Sabda baginda saw, “Demi Allah, itulah doa yang aku mohon kepada Allah untuk ummatku pada setiap solatku”
SubhanAllah...:'( Dalamnya cinta Nabi pada umatnya..

Me allergy??


When I was reading some article, I can't think of my poor blog.huhu. Lately, I haven't been able to write anything at all..and it seems unorganized blog ever.. (kesian lah T_T). So, tonight, I try to remain constant in writing and hope it will turn out to be something nice to share with.

Well, I’m quite busy lately..eheh.I've just finished my Paedriatric exam.Yahh..It's quite difficult actually especially the MCQ and OBA one..why put many neuro quest doc?agaga! For long case, I got the case of acute exacerbation of bronchial asthma (AEBA) while for the short case, I got the acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) patient. No comment. But honestly, I'm freaking nervous waiting for the result to come out *.* (Worrying will do nothing to help ya Ain. Chillex..ok2.)

I donno, early of the revision week, I got fever and followed with red, itchy rashes all over my body.huhu..Differential diagnosis that cross to my mind at that moment..
  • Allergy?but I realized I never been allergy
  • Worm infestation?(as Shiro describe the rash)
  • SLE? (haha.over)
Here is hows the rashes look like (This pic is not mine.but its look exactly the same.he.thanks google image!)

I don't know what I ate, what I touched or stepped on...or even...who bit me?? T_T Well, I did sleep on the carpet the night before (dah biasa kot tdo bawah tade apa2 pun).

It all happened after I got up, and pray for Subuh prayer, then suddenly my face, hands, and foot was very itchy that I couldn't stop stop the itchiness..tssk :( Not long after that, it became swollen..and got more and more rashes on it. And it has started to affect my body T_T

I went to pharmacy and bought oral anti-histamine and still not resolved. Few of my friends also recommend me to sapu air garam and yeah it worked! The rashes were still there but became less swollen and no more itchy :)

However, the next day, my friend Shiro notice my condition was getting worsen with the rashes and periorbital oedema (dh mcm nephrotic patient dah). She immediately brought me to the clinic and I was injected with Prednisolone.Yeah.cepat je resolved! I never expect the effect of the steroid would be that fast! Alhamdulillah :D

Along that condition, especially the time when the rashes spread on my face, I was like ya Allah, kalau Allah nak tarik nikmat tu bila2 pun Dia boleh tarik. Seriously, muka macam orang tua dah with all the red patches.huhu..Rashes oh rashes..please don't come again ya.:p

Ok.itu je nak tulis.haha..oh wait! My next posting is Surgery-the most hardest and toughest posting in Year 3.ohho..So, dear all, please pray for me ok..peace! ;)