Monday, June 20, 2011

Judging People

Each person’s perception is different, but in general an individual usually judge about other based on his/her appearance, way of talking, clothing, walking, job, place of staying and many other things. Sad. People nowadays love in making their own judgments. 

The common scenario we usually seen for example, when looking someone who is not covering her aurah properly, or a brother holding sister hands… People might judge them as bad Muslims.

Hurm...Why don’t you suspend your judgments? Yeah...suspend your judgment. May sound simple. But it’s kind of hard things to do aite?huhu…But at least TRY. If you already have judgment in your head, seems like you are not giving them personal chance. What I’m trying to put across here is how we easily fall into the trap of Satan. Ignoring our own faults and concentrating on creating opinions about others very quickly. 

There was a story I listen from radio yesterday. It was a true story. There was a man who love and addicted to gambling. He was a Muslim but gambling apparently became part of his life. Suddenly, at one night, he cried aloud. He had a dream. He saw that he had gone through miserable punishments in Akhirah. As he woke up, he straight away took a wudhuk to perform a taubah prayer…He never stop from crying along the night, he repent and seek forgiveness from Allah SWT. His wife persuades him but still he felt so scared and terrified with his dream. Starting from that day, he promised to himself not to commit that Satan habits again. Few days later, he died. He died due to an accident on his way to buy food for his wife and children.

Then everyone keeps on talking like “ Padan muka.balasan kuat berjudi…”, “Zamri kaki judi tu ke meninggal?” Can’t you see… Is it fair to judge people like that?

Who are we to judge others? Are we good enough to be judge as good? Are we so perfect to categorize people as good or bad?

Let us look at what Islam teaches us on this issue of judging others. The Quran says that there is no other judge besides Allah. One of the ninety-nine names of Allah is “Al-Haleem”  (The Clement) meaning, Allah SWT  is not quick in judgment. Allah gives all his servants time. He waits with patient to see His servants return to Him even if it is after leading a sinful life. 

There is also a beautiful hadith which elaborates this attribute of Allah SWT showing us how merciful He is when it comes to recording our bad deeds. Abu Umamah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the messenger of Allah PBUH said, “The angel of the left raises (and holds) his pen for six hours from the Muslim servant of Allah who has wronged or committed a mistake. So if he regrets and seeks Allah’s forgiveness from it, he (the angel) returns it back, and if that’s not the case then it is written as one”  [ Mu’kam al Kabeer, Hasan according to Albani]

The mercy and greatness of Allah is beyond words once you know this Hadith above. How can we judge someone and create dirty opinions about them (whether we know or don’t know them) when Allah Himself isn’t doing so before giving repentance time for a His believer which lasts until before we die....

But don’t get me wrong my dear friends. Yes. I agree..What is wrong is still wrong. what is impermissible is impermissible. You can’t change that but it doesn’t give the right for you to judge isn’t it? Therefore, don’t ever judge people based on our own mind. We have to realize each and every one of us different. We have unique background and we have unique experiences.

Instead of straightly judging people why don’t we try to understand why that people doing this or doing that…You can't be happy when you're judging others. And always know that nobody is perfect…including me myself...

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