Sometime I feel difficult to accept what had happened to me in the past and I hate it, I hate my past so much. Because of that, I kind of seeing sorrow in my future and I don’t want to go forward as I am terrified that the same thing will happen again...Seriously. That was what I felt when difficulties and troubles continuously hit me before... Those hardships that I’ve been through always keep me thinking.yup! Thinking… Why Allah destined my fate to be like this?
Then after much thinking, reading, and 22 years-experienced(even now I’m still learning), I feel like the fate that destined by Lord of the world was to make me to be special. Thus, there will always be so much trouble that I need to go through.
For instance, in order to be most beautiful sparkling diamond, there are so much difficulties and hardships that the black carbon has to go through. Do you know that? The diamond was not formed easily. It has to go through so much heat, force, and cut under and above the earth that we could hardly imagine. And then, when all the process is done successfully, finally comes the diamond that worth thousand pounds! Amazing isn’t it?
Thus I feel like the same thing goes to me...Allah could just let me have an easy and trouble-free life. But then, how come I become special? Special here meaning refer to both worlds, being special in this world and special in the next world...
But how come troubles can make you and me become special? The problems make us special because with the problems, we are now more expert on human. We could understand others’ pain when they are facing similar situations better than other people do. Think logically. If not, how come our beloved Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W was made by Allah to be the man who experienced the most of troubles exist in this world. Count how much troubles and horrible situation he had gone through in his life!
He experienced the sad childhood, because his father died before his birth, because his mum died in front of him, because he was brought up by an uncle who has 10 other children, because he had to work as a shepherd since he was little and so much more. And later on, as he was pronounced to be the Messenger, he experienced being stab-backed and ‘fitnah’ by his own people. Then, he experienced the death of his beloved wife and his closest uncle and so many other things that we can say ‘horrifying’ experiences before he was now is known as the most influential figure in the world!
So, in this world, it is all about challenges. I can say people who experience little difficulties and challenges, understand only little about this world. While people who experience many obstacles and hardships in his life, could understand and discover a lot about this world.
There are so many things in the future that now we do not know yet. It is a secret. Kept nicely by Allah. Why we are frightened by something that we actually do not know yet? May be, we never know that whether those people who has done so badly to us in the past; have changed and have sought forgiveness from Allah..Hopefully, InshaAllah..
In short, I would like to say to myself as well as you, my dear friends. Never let the past hunt us down. All the challenges and difficulties appear in our life are granted by Allah, who knows best in everything in order to make us special in this world and in the hereafter. InshaAllah..Put full trust on Him! (^_^)
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