Thursday, December 29, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Is this fact?
Is this fact?
I keep dreaming of my mum and someone even just a glance.
* Semoga rindu dan sayang itu bersama tawakkal dan pengharapan~
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
It's okay even if my heart hurts :)
Hard work makes you Stronger, Mistakes makes you Smarter, Success keeps you in Shape, Sadness makes you Human, Happiness makes you Sweet!
p/s: While waiting for Dr Fadzil lecture..Semua tgh rajin kot..:p
p/s: While waiting for Dr Fadzil lecture..Semua tgh rajin kot..:p
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Today, I turn 22..
Today is my 22th birthday..22 years sounds like a long time, but time has flew by so0 quickly. A lot has change within the past year. I was a bit naive back then, but now I guess not anymore..cecece ;P Honestly, on this birthday, I don't want any presents. I don't want any celebration..(take note Sheena.kih3) If I could wish for one thing for my birthday, I want to turn the clock back. Yup! turn the clock so that I can correct all my mistakes I've done in the past. :'( But that is just 'if'.
Personally, Allah has blessed me with MORE things and opportunities than I can ask for. Great parents. Great family. Great friends. Its more than enough. That's the greatest give I have ever received. But if want to give me something (again take note.hihi) just doakan me and my family. I will be happy enough okay:)
I know I still got lots to learn, inshaAllah with each passing year, with each passing day, I will take one step closer to being closer to Allah..
I hope 18th December 2011 going to be the day of my 'rebirth'. And I want to express my gratitude to Allah SWT and to all my dearest family and friends for the amazing amount of blessing (spiritual and material) I received in my life. Thank you very much. Appreciate it :')
p/s: Semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan kita di dunia & diakhirat..amin~
canteknya..motif letak dis pic?sbb cantek
Today is my 22th birthday..22 years sounds like a long time, but time has flew by so0 quickly. A lot has change within the past year. I was a bit naive back then, but now I guess not anymore..cecece ;P Honestly, on this birthday, I don't want any presents. I don't want any celebration..(take note Sheena.kih3) If I could wish for one thing for my birthday, I want to turn the clock back. Yup! turn the clock so that I can correct all my mistakes I've done in the past. :'( But that is just 'if'.
Personally, Allah has blessed me with MORE things and opportunities than I can ask for. Great parents. Great family. Great friends. Its more than enough. That's the greatest give I have ever received. But if want to give me something (again take note.hihi) just doakan me and my family. I will be happy enough okay:)
I know I still got lots to learn, inshaAllah with each passing year, with each passing day, I will take one step closer to being closer to Allah..
I hope 18th December 2011 going to be the day of my 'rebirth'. And I want to express my gratitude to Allah SWT and to all my dearest family and friends for the amazing amount of blessing (spiritual and material) I received in my life. Thank you very much. Appreciate it :')
p/s: Semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan kita di dunia & diakhirat..amin~
Hi Ain! Happy Birthday! -Dong wook-
*mode perahsan.haha ;P
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Thank you Allah for granting my prayers..Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah..the moment I saw my name pasted on the board and stated PASS, I was like nak sujud syukur in front it. Syukurrr sangat2 dengan limpahan rezki yang tak putus2 Dia bagi pada hamba yang banyak dosa ni. Thank you Allah..
Yeah.. I know I started off really bad on my 1st posting, plus with culture shock here and there, struggling to complete the logbook, case presentation, case write-up, (cry baby moment lagi.he he he), but with Allah's will, Allhamdulillah...I passed my 1st clinical examination.
Congratulations to all my posting mates and also friends from other postings. And to my friends who did not make it this time, don't despair..Allah has a reason for everything.. =')
Currently I'm doing my Pediatric posting..Azam posting baru utk mnjadi lebih rajin. Ohh procrastinating. I wish to get rid of that attitude soon. (err..mampukah?he he)
Thank you Allah for granting my prayers..Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah..the moment I saw my name pasted on the board and stated PASS, I was like nak sujud syukur in front it. Syukurrr sangat2 dengan limpahan rezki yang tak putus2 Dia bagi pada hamba yang banyak dosa ni. Thank you Allah..
Yeah.. I know I started off really bad on my 1st posting, plus with culture shock here and there, struggling to complete the logbook, case presentation, case write-up, (cry baby moment lagi.he he he), but with Allah's will, Allhamdulillah...I passed my 1st clinical examination.
Congratulations to all my posting mates and also friends from other postings. And to my friends who did not make it this time, don't despair..Allah has a reason for everything.. =')
Currently I'm doing my Pediatric posting..Azam posting baru utk mnjadi lebih rajin. Ohh procrastinating. I wish to get rid of that attitude soon. (err..mampukah?he he)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Price tag :)
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a dollar twenty ($20) in the room of two hundred (200) people. Speaker asked, "Who would like this dollar twenty ($20) bill?" Hands started going up.
Speaker said, "I am going to give this dollar ($20) to one of you, but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumpled up the dollar twenty ($20) bill. And he asked, "Who still wants it?" Still hands were up in the air.
"Well, what if I do this?" He dropped on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up and now the bill already crumpled and dirty. He asked again, "Who still wants this?" Still hands went up into the air.
No matter what was the speaker done to the money, it was still wanted because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth dollar twenty ($20).
Same goes to us. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. Ans sometimes, we may feel we are worthless and useless.
But no matter what was happened and will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you.
A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a dollar twenty ($20) in the room of two hundred (200) people. Speaker asked, "Who would like this dollar twenty ($20) bill?" Hands started going up.
Speaker said, "I am going to give this dollar ($20) to one of you, but first, let me do this." He proceeded to crumpled up the dollar twenty ($20) bill. And he asked, "Who still wants it?" Still hands were up in the air.
"Well, what if I do this?" He dropped on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up and now the bill already crumpled and dirty. He asked again, "Who still wants this?" Still hands went up into the air.
No matter what was the speaker done to the money, it was still wanted because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth dollar twenty ($20).
Same goes to us. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. Ans sometimes, we may feel we are worthless and useless.
But no matter what was happened and will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you.
Monday, November 28, 2011
5 years without her..
Siapa yang tak pernah merasa kehilangan? Aku yakin semua orang pun pernah rasa. tapi klu kecik2 dulu selalu hilang pemadam, hilang pensel kat sekolah dah rasa hilang teramat..balik rumah bila abah cek bekas pensel hilang itu hilang ini mesti kena marah.huhu.kena bebel tak pandai jaga barang.boleh dikira rasa kehilangan la jugak dok.
Bila besar sket masuk asrama mulalah nak hilang toiletries la, baju yang hantar kat dobi la, hilang kalkulator la..tak tenang hati bila hilang2 barang ni. Makanya, boleh dirumuskan semakin kita membesar, semakin hebat cabaran kehilangan kita. Tapi itu kalau kita hilang barang2 material atau barang2 yang boleh diganti. Kalau kita boleh terima kehilangan tu dgn positif, hati pun takde lah gundah gulana memanjang. Macam mana pula kalau kita hilang benda yang tak dapat diganti?
Yes. Aku pun tak terkecuali daripada merasa 'kehilangan' ni. Aku ni dah la jenis yang passive+introvert+sensitive type. Dapat la berita gembira, sedih, buruk, lawak ke hape aku mesti akn fikir and digest benda tu btul2. Then I will make my own conclusion either conclusion berkenaan dgn cerita tsebut atau org yg menceritakan tu :P Aku ni pun kuat nangis gak. Kalau duk asrama dulu hari2 call mak, hari2 nangis.ckp tak boleh study la..kawan itu la..cikgu ini la..mcm2 aku ni..memang hari2 pun aku akn singgah kat public fon call mak. Sekejap pun tape. Takde menda nak ckp pun tape. Call je. Dpt dengar suara pun jadi la.Sobs T_T
Sampai hari yang aku rasa mmg Allah btul2 nak menguji kekuatan aku. Aku kehilangan mak waktu aku Form5. Time tu serius aku rasa mcm mimpi. Even sampai skrg ni pun, aku rasa macam baru lagi mak pergi. Ya Allah..kalau diingatkan kembali time tu aku rasa macam jantung ni jatuh berdebub ke bawah. Kali terakhir aku peluk mak time mak hantar aku ke Langkawi. Aku tak tau kenapa time tu mak menangis and peluk aku kuat2. Aku bila mak dah mcm tu lagi la aku nak menangis but I pretend like a tough-man la hari tu.Taknak menangis. Bila kereta abah mak dah pergi aku senyum and lambai-lambai dari jauh. Hilang je kereta abah mak, airmata jatuh macam air tumpah dari tempayan. Nonstop tak henti2.
Aku tak tahu langsung yang mak aku dah meninggal sebab accident. Sehari sebelum aku dapat tahu berita tu satu sekolah buat bacaan Yassin. Sebelum lights-off and after solat Subuh berjemaah esoknya. Pelik jugak mula2 kenapa suddenly kerap pulak buat bacaan Yassin.selalu malam Jumaat je. Sampai lah cikgu Haji Anuar (HEP) panggil aku kat surau perempuan. Aku nampak mata cikgu berair. Aku pun blur2 time tu. Tak tahu apa2 pun. Cikgu datang kat aku tunjuk mesej fon dia.
Cikgu: Ini nombor ayah kamu kan Ain?
Aku: Aah. Betul. Kenapa cikgu? (*aku takut dah)
Cikgu: Baca mesej yang ayah kamu bagi ni. Ayah send kt cikgu petang semalam..
Cikgu menangis tp aku blur. Aku ambil fon cikgu and aku baca.
1st msg: "Cikgu tlg beritahu anak saya Ain Syafiqah yang mak dia koma di hosp skrg. Doc kata life 50-50"
2nd msg: " Cikgu. Isteri saya dah meninggal dunia"
Aku tersentap.terkejut.mustahil lah. Mak baru je hantar aku ke Langkawi. Aku senyum pandang muka cikgu and aku cuba yakinkan cikgu, " Cikgu..takkan kot..mak baru hantar saya. Cikgu salah nombor ni.." Cikgu menangis and cikgu tak cakap apa2. cikgu suruh aku balik asrama kemas barang and balik. Ada saudara dah tunggu kt jeti seberang. Aku blur. Serius aku blur. Aku tak tau nak percaya ke tak and aku tak menangis langsung. And kalau betul msg tu abah send smlm, knp cikgu tak terus bagi tahu aku smlm jugak? Aku nak call abah. nak ckp dgn abah time tu jugak.
Lepas je aku kemas barang2, aku turun bawah aku nampak cikgu Haji Anuar tunggu aku. Aku ckp kt cikgu nak pinjam fon nak call ayah. Cikgu bagi and aku call abah. Dengar je suara abah, aku menangis. Aku just tanya "Abah, Betul ke?". Abah jawap, "Angah. Sabar ye..". Aku tak tanya pun Mak meninggal sebab apa..macam mana..adik2 macam mana.. Yang aku nak Mak. Aku nak mak ada. Tapi dengar je suara abah time tu aku rasa Ya Allah...kenapa ni? Aku menangis and still rasa susah sangat nak percaya.
Aku naik feri ke Kuala Kedah. Sampai je kt jeti sana aku nampak makngah and pakngah tgh tggu. Aku nampak makngah aku lari terus peluk dia. Makngah cuba tenangkan aku. Aku tak tahulah macam mana nak describe apa yang aku rasa time tu. Sedih+confuse. Dalam perjalanan aku nak balik ke kampung aku duk menangis je. Aku tak percaya. Sangat tak percaya selagi aku tak nampak jenazah mak depan mata aku sendiri. Mana mungkin mak dah pergi. mak baru lagi hantar aku balik ke Langkawi.
Beberapa jam lepas tu, aku sampai kt depan Masjid As-Saadiah Teluk Intan. Ramai sangat orang. Aku nampak sedara-mara aku yang lain..kawan2 mak yang aku kenal..kawan2 abah..Aku tengok muka adik2 aku, aku menangis. Ame, Wan, Udin nampak tenang. Kakak menangis. Wani pulak keep repeating mak dah mati.mak dah mati tp tak faham apa2. Wana 9 bulan lagi waktu tu. Aku nak masuk pintu masjid tapi ramai sangat orang. Semua dah selesai solat jenazah. Then ada orang menjerit "Tunggu!Tunggu! Ada anak arwah dari Langkawi baru sampai!". Rupa-rupanya mereka nak angkat jenazah mak ke van jenazah dah. Aku cepat2 masuk dalam masjid tu. Aku nampak abah. muka abah penat sgt. Then ada orang keliling tolong bukakan kain putih yang tutup muka mak. Dia pesan, cium dahi mak tapi jangan menangis. Aku ikut ckp dia. Aku nampak je muka mak, Ya Allah.. Betul.. Mak dah takde..Ya Allah..Aku tahan menangis aku cium dahi mak. Sejuk..Ya Allah..Kau tempatkan Mak dalam kalangan orang2 yang beriman..
Sampai di kubur aku hanya melihat jenazah mak ditanam. Abah and Abang tolong tanamkan. Sekarang aku dah takde mak. Tak sangka Mak pergi awal. Sangat tak sangka. Aku sangat rindu mak sebenarnya. Walaupun dah ada pengganti still tak sama dengan mak and aku tahu abah lah orang paling merasa 'kehilangan' ni. Sebelum mak meninggal dulu macam2 yang mak buat untuk keluarga. Mak jenis yang tak boleh duduk diam. Bisnes, tulis buku rujukan bio sasbadi spm, and mak ni sgt suka decorate rumah. Buat itu buat ini. Dulu mak pernah try mohon loan utk rumah baru. Hari yang mak meninggal tu lah dapat surat bgtau loan tu dah diluluskan. Sedihnya. Memang ktorang tak duduk lah rumah tu.
Tapi nak citanya 'kehilangan' Mak lah satu-satunya pengajaran terbesar dalam hidup aku. Aku byk kenal erti hidup. Lepas mak dah takda, aku and adik beradik yg lain byk kenal susah senang hidup dgn abah. Abah sampai sekarang selalu pesan kt ktorang jgn lupa doakan mak.doakn mak everyday afta solat n byk lagi. Kalau nak cerita, tak ter-cerita. So my advice here to those yang telah membaca cerita ni, always respect your parents. Sometime we take advantage to a person yang kita rasa akan sentiasa bersama dgn kita but remember there will come a point where they will leave you and you can't never get them back. So, appreciate them while you have them.
Aku tak tahu langsung yang mak aku dah meninggal sebab accident. Sehari sebelum aku dapat tahu berita tu satu sekolah buat bacaan Yassin. Sebelum lights-off and after solat Subuh berjemaah esoknya. Pelik jugak mula2 kenapa suddenly kerap pulak buat bacaan Yassin.selalu malam Jumaat je. Sampai lah cikgu Haji Anuar (HEP) panggil aku kat surau perempuan. Aku nampak mata cikgu berair. Aku pun blur2 time tu. Tak tahu apa2 pun. Cikgu datang kat aku tunjuk mesej fon dia.
Cikgu: Ini nombor ayah kamu kan Ain?
Aku: Aah. Betul. Kenapa cikgu? (*aku takut dah)
Cikgu: Baca mesej yang ayah kamu bagi ni. Ayah send kt cikgu petang semalam..
Cikgu menangis tp aku blur. Aku ambil fon cikgu and aku baca.
1st msg: "Cikgu tlg beritahu anak saya Ain Syafiqah yang mak dia koma di hosp skrg. Doc kata life 50-50"
2nd msg: " Cikgu. Isteri saya dah meninggal dunia"
Aku tersentap.terkejut.mustahil lah. Mak baru je hantar aku ke Langkawi. Aku senyum pandang muka cikgu and aku cuba yakinkan cikgu, " Cikgu..takkan kot..mak baru hantar saya. Cikgu salah nombor ni.." Cikgu menangis and cikgu tak cakap apa2. cikgu suruh aku balik asrama kemas barang and balik. Ada saudara dah tunggu kt jeti seberang. Aku blur. Serius aku blur. Aku tak tau nak percaya ke tak and aku tak menangis langsung. And kalau betul msg tu abah send smlm, knp cikgu tak terus bagi tahu aku smlm jugak? Aku nak call abah. nak ckp dgn abah time tu jugak.
Lepas je aku kemas barang2, aku turun bawah aku nampak cikgu Haji Anuar tunggu aku. Aku ckp kt cikgu nak pinjam fon nak call ayah. Cikgu bagi and aku call abah. Dengar je suara abah, aku menangis. Aku just tanya "Abah, Betul ke?". Abah jawap, "Angah. Sabar ye..". Aku tak tanya pun Mak meninggal sebab apa..macam mana..adik2 macam mana.. Yang aku nak Mak. Aku nak mak ada. Tapi dengar je suara abah time tu aku rasa Ya Allah...kenapa ni? Aku menangis and still rasa susah sangat nak percaya.
Aku naik feri ke Kuala Kedah. Sampai je kt jeti sana aku nampak makngah and pakngah tgh tggu. Aku nampak makngah aku lari terus peluk dia. Makngah cuba tenangkan aku. Aku tak tahulah macam mana nak describe apa yang aku rasa time tu. Sedih+confuse. Dalam perjalanan aku nak balik ke kampung aku duk menangis je. Aku tak percaya. Sangat tak percaya selagi aku tak nampak jenazah mak depan mata aku sendiri. Mana mungkin mak dah pergi. mak baru lagi hantar aku balik ke Langkawi.
Beberapa jam lepas tu, aku sampai kt depan Masjid As-Saadiah Teluk Intan. Ramai sangat orang. Aku nampak sedara-mara aku yang lain..kawan2 mak yang aku kenal..kawan2 abah..Aku tengok muka adik2 aku, aku menangis. Ame, Wan, Udin nampak tenang. Kakak menangis. Wani pulak keep repeating mak dah mati.mak dah mati tp tak faham apa2. Wana 9 bulan lagi waktu tu. Aku nak masuk pintu masjid tapi ramai sangat orang. Semua dah selesai solat jenazah. Then ada orang menjerit "Tunggu!Tunggu! Ada anak arwah dari Langkawi baru sampai!". Rupa-rupanya mereka nak angkat jenazah mak ke van jenazah dah. Aku cepat2 masuk dalam masjid tu. Aku nampak abah. muka abah penat sgt. Then ada orang keliling tolong bukakan kain putih yang tutup muka mak. Dia pesan, cium dahi mak tapi jangan menangis. Aku ikut ckp dia. Aku nampak je muka mak, Ya Allah.. Betul.. Mak dah takde..Ya Allah..Aku tahan menangis aku cium dahi mak. Sejuk..Ya Allah..Kau tempatkan Mak dalam kalangan orang2 yang beriman..
Sampai di kubur aku hanya melihat jenazah mak ditanam. Abah and Abang tolong tanamkan. Sekarang aku dah takde mak. Tak sangka Mak pergi awal. Sangat tak sangka. Aku sangat rindu mak sebenarnya. Walaupun dah ada pengganti still tak sama dengan mak and aku tahu abah lah orang paling merasa 'kehilangan' ni. Sebelum mak meninggal dulu macam2 yang mak buat untuk keluarga. Mak jenis yang tak boleh duduk diam. Bisnes, tulis buku rujukan bio sasbadi spm, and mak ni sgt suka decorate rumah. Buat itu buat ini. Dulu mak pernah try mohon loan utk rumah baru. Hari yang mak meninggal tu lah dapat surat bgtau loan tu dah diluluskan. Sedihnya. Memang ktorang tak duduk lah rumah tu.
Tapi nak citanya 'kehilangan' Mak lah satu-satunya pengajaran terbesar dalam hidup aku. Aku byk kenal erti hidup. Lepas mak dah takda, aku and adik beradik yg lain byk kenal susah senang hidup dgn abah. Abah sampai sekarang selalu pesan kt ktorang jgn lupa doakan mak.doakn mak everyday afta solat n byk lagi. Kalau nak cerita, tak ter-cerita. So my advice here to those yang telah membaca cerita ni, always respect your parents. Sometime we take advantage to a person yang kita rasa akan sentiasa bersama dgn kita but remember there will come a point where they will leave you and you can't never get them back. So, appreciate them while you have them.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Post-exam Syndrome
Just finished my first clinical exam.only God know how hard I'd faced them but Alhamdulillah..that's what I could say at this present moment. Not because I'm satisfied with what I have done during the exam. Still there were many mistakes I've learned and many weaknesses that I need to improve. But being grateful is more than enough to make me feel relief and less worry about the exam.
Just finished my first clinical exam.only God know how hard I'd faced them but Alhamdulillah..that's what I could say at this present moment. Not because I'm satisfied with what I have done during the exam. Still there were many mistakes I've learned and many weaknesses that I need to improve. But being grateful is more than enough to make me feel relief and less worry about the exam.
Memorizing is actually the most important key for us to be successful during the exam. That was my weakness. I can't memorize well. For me, the understanding is the most important. I can't memorize thing blindly. It wouldn't work at all. And I also have short term memory loss. very unfortunately. T_T So I need to repeat reading the same thing over and over even I had studied that part during study week but i need to revise it on the night before the paper.
I'm not kind of person that can stay up along the night. It's totally not going to work on me. But sometimes I have no other choices. I had to burn the midnight oil. It very frustrated when I can't remember a thing I had studied in the exam hall. huhu..But overall for theory paper, ok kot..*sounds less confident even many past year compilation questions came out again. Why la Ain..
For long case exam I got the case of reduce fetal movement due to maternal pyrexia secondary to urinary tract infection while for my short case, polyhydramnions secondary to fetal anomaly (duodenal atresia). I did try to present the case as best as I can. All I can do now praying and accept the faith. I might be disappointed with the result. Well I can guess how the result will be. Hope I can take it positively.
Here I wanna share part of the dialog in between me and my patient during clerking exam yesterday. My patient is 16years old (premarital conception) and this is her first pregnancy.
Me: Adik. kenapa adik masuk hospital ye?
Patient : Baby tak gerak..
Me: Lagi apa yang adik rasa sebelum masuk hospital?ada keluar darah tak?turun air ke?
Patient: Takde. Baby tak gerak je..
Me: Adik ada penah jatuh ke sebelum ni?
Patient: *thinking for few seconds..ha..ada2.masa raya haritu.sapu sampah pastu terjatuh kat tangga..
Me: Ok.adik ada demam ke semasa mengandung ni?
Patient: sekejap je mggu lepas.pastu masuk hospital..
Me: Minggu lepas masuk hospital tu sebab apa?demam je?
Patient: Tak.Rasa sakit perut mengeras..
Me: Ok.doktor bagi rawatan apa masa tu?
Patient: Doktor cucuk sni ( refer to her right hand) masuk air
Me: Doktor masuk air je ke?takde bagi ubat apa2?injection ke?
Patient: Takde..
Me: Lagi apa yg adik rasa sebelum masuk hospital minggu lepas?
Patient: Takde. sakit kt perut dgn demam je..
Me: Betul takde apa2?takde rasa berdebar2?pening2 ke?
Patient: Ada2..
Me: Lagi ada rasa apa lagi?ingat tak?Hm.ada apa2 lagi yg saya tertinggal n perlu tau?tolonglah tgh exam ni..saya nak pass..
Patient: Ada2. rasa takut..
Me: Pffffttt~ (hahaha..giggling dlm hati..:p)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Does He loves you?
"One day a man said to Allah : I LOVE YOU THE MOST
Allah took all his wealth and ask him : Do you love Me now?
The man said : More than before!
Allah made all his family against him so they all left him.
And Allah ask him again : Do you still love Me?
He replied : Yes!
Allah made him so poor that he had nothing to wear and eat.
And Allah asked once more : Do you love Me now?
The man said : I love You more than ever before because...
SubhanAllah..I was crying reading this.
Sometimes we forgot that Allah always love us. Every doa that we ask, every time we say Ya Allah, Allah answer it! He is al-Mujeeb, He answers us but do we 'answer' Him? Do we remember Him?
Allah never throws us deeper than we can go. He throws us from such height where He knows yes we may fall, gain few scratches, and open wounds but He also knows how much sabr, tolerance and will power we have to stand back up. Yes we did complain, crying sometimes and moan saying "Why me!" but if we think deeply and logically, Allah is making us, not breaking us..sobs..Forgive me Allah.. ='I
p/s : Love Allah and Allah will love you more!
"One day a man said to Allah : I LOVE YOU THE MOST
Allah took all his wealth and ask him : Do you love Me now?
The man said : More than before!
Allah made all his family against him so they all left him.
And Allah ask him again : Do you still love Me?
He replied : Yes!
Allah made him so poor that he had nothing to wear and eat.
And Allah asked once more : Do you love Me now?
The man said : I love You more than ever before because...
SubhanAllah..I was crying reading this.
Sometimes we forgot that Allah always love us. Every doa that we ask, every time we say Ya Allah, Allah answer it! He is al-Mujeeb, He answers us but do we 'answer' Him? Do we remember Him?
Allah never throws us deeper than we can go. He throws us from such height where He knows yes we may fall, gain few scratches, and open wounds but He also knows how much sabr, tolerance and will power we have to stand back up. Yes we did complain, crying sometimes and moan saying "Why me!" but if we think deeply and logically, Allah is making us, not breaking us..sobs..Forgive me Allah.. ='I
p/s : Love Allah and Allah will love you more!
Monday, November 7, 2011
My O & G posting
Assalamualaikum :)
Live in O&G posting is very busy. I have to be always on the go. Thats why I've been working really hard in O&G department HTAA (erkk..yeke??either working hard or hardly working.. :P ) Alhamdulillah lots of new experiences, new mistakes, new knowledge I have gained along this posting.
And yeah, I am ending my posting in few more days! hee..why am I so happy ni..getting ending on dis posting means getting nearer to the final exam la Ain! T.T
Anyway, I want to thank to HOD of O&G, Prof Mokhtar, who is a verryyyy intelligent, busy yet caring person (my mentor tuu..he), and our specialists are Dr Ganesh, Prof Murad, Dr Raja Arif, Dr Ziana, Prof Hamiza, Prof Zalina, Dr Muna, Dr Dahlia, Dr Azam, Prof Roszaman etc.
Mo’s – Dr Azha, Dr Ayu, Dr Yong, Dr Wan Firdaus, Dr Maryam, Dr Rohani etc.
Ho's - Dr Salmiah, Dr Anisah, Dr Marisa, Dr Alif, Dr Vance, Dr Khadijah, Dr Siva etc.
and of course the core and backbone of O&G, all the midwives and staff nurses at labour room. Thank you so much for all your help, instruction, and your effort to improve us. Thank you! Thank you!
And here, I also want to wish all of my friends a very sweet and Happy Eidul Adha!:) May Allah bless and reward us with the blessing of Heaven..ameen10x..
Till then, buh bye and Salam
Live in O&G posting is very busy. I have to be always on the go. Thats why I've been working really hard in O&G department HTAA (erkk..yeke??either working hard or hardly working.. :P ) Alhamdulillah lots of new experiences, new mistakes, new knowledge I have gained along this posting.
And yeah, I am ending my posting in few more days! hee..why am I so happy ni..getting ending on dis posting means getting nearer to the final exam la Ain! T.T
Anyway, I want to thank to HOD of O&G, Prof Mokhtar, who is a verryyyy intelligent, busy yet caring person (my mentor tuu..he), and our specialists are Dr Ganesh, Prof Murad, Dr Raja Arif, Dr Ziana, Prof Hamiza, Prof Zalina, Dr Muna, Dr Dahlia, Dr Azam, Prof Roszaman etc.
Mo’s – Dr Azha, Dr Ayu, Dr Yong, Dr Wan Firdaus, Dr Maryam, Dr Rohani etc.
Ho's - Dr Salmiah, Dr Anisah, Dr Marisa, Dr Alif, Dr Vance, Dr Khadijah, Dr Siva etc.
and of course the core and backbone of O&G, all the midwives and staff nurses at labour room. Thank you so much for all your help, instruction, and your effort to improve us. Thank you! Thank you!
And here, I also want to wish all of my friends a very sweet and Happy Eidul Adha!:) May Allah bless and reward us with the blessing of Heaven..ameen10x..
Pic raya haji last year with my friends Sheena, Mira, Aina, Kaklong, Fasha and Me. Style btul ;P
Till then, buh bye and Salam

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Love Triangle
I would like to share something interesting here since I've got nothing to do (ceh..padahal byk je menda boleh buat). While I was facebooking..blogwalking...suddenly I was stumbled at someone page and found nice article saying about..... love triangle!
Notice how there is no line connecting you and that special person?
Well, the thing is you have to reach God first,
LOVE God so much that you draw closer to Him,
but the thing is...your special person must do the same until..
you both reach God, and by God, be connected.
And that is the REAL love triangle..cute kan??
I would like to share something interesting here since I've got nothing to do (ceh..padahal byk je menda boleh buat). While I was facebooking..blogwalking...suddenly I was stumbled at someone page and found nice article saying about..... love triangle!
Notice how there is no line connecting you and that special person?
Well, the thing is you have to reach God first,
LOVE God so much that you draw closer to Him,
but the thing is...your special person must do the same until..
you both reach God, and by God, be connected.
And that is the REAL love triangle..cute kan??
Sunday, October 23, 2011
My Recipe: AisKrim Goreng~ :D

Aiskrim goreng or fried ice cream sounds like something of a contradiction aite?hehe..How can you take something that melts easily and fry it? Well, first time I eat fried ice cream is when I was at matric PJ. Everytime when I went to pasar malam there, I never miss this. Taste very niceee! *_*
Making fried ice cream is surprisingly easy and not require expensive ingredients u know. Instead of buying from somewhere with an expensive price, why don't you try to make it on your own? I've made it twice already.hehe..Actually, there are many ways in making this recipe. Some people like to coat the balls of ice cream in flour or some may use bread. But I prefer bread as it is much more easier. Here, I have list 9 steps in making this super yummy fried ice cream..
The Ingredients:
Ice cream
Vanilla/ Chocolate/ Strawberry/ Whatever you're in the mood for
Gardenia bread
Crush corn flakes
Chocolate syrup/ Honey/ Whipped cream
1. Take one scoop of ice cream and put on each bread. Cover the ball of ice cream with the bread completely. You can use curry puff maker if you want. Otherwise just use your hands and trim the bread by scissor
Helpful hint : It's important to cover the balls completely. The coating protects the balls from the hot frying oil and gives the dessert the fried taste and crunchy-ness!
2. In small bowl, beat the eggs and water together
3. Roll the coated ice cream ball in the beaten egg, cover completely
4. Then, roll the the coated ice cream ball in the second dish of crush corn flakes, cover completely
5. Place the coated ball immediately in the freezer for at least 4 to 6 hours
6. Repeat for all balls
7. Using tongs, gently drop ice cream ball into hot oil. Fry for 30-40 seconds until crisp. Place fried ice cream on serving dish. Serve immediately.
8. Finally, you can decorate with your own style either with chocolate syrup/ honey/ whipped cream
Making fried ice cream is surprisingly easy and not require expensive ingredients u know. Instead of buying from somewhere with an expensive price, why don't you try to make it on your own? I've made it twice already.hehe..Actually, there are many ways in making this recipe. Some people like to coat the balls of ice cream in flour or some may use bread. But I prefer bread as it is much more easier. Here, I have list 9 steps in making this super yummy fried ice cream..
The Ingredients:
Ice cream
Vanilla/ Chocolate/ Strawberry/ Whatever you're in the mood for
Gardenia bread
Crush corn flakes
Chocolate syrup/ Honey/ Whipped cream
1. Take one scoop of ice cream and put on each bread. Cover the ball of ice cream with the bread completely. You can use curry puff maker if you want. Otherwise just use your hands and trim the bread by scissor
Helpful hint : It's important to cover the balls completely. The coating protects the balls from the hot frying oil and gives the dessert the fried taste and crunchy-ness!
2. In small bowl, beat the eggs and water together
3. Roll the coated ice cream ball in the beaten egg, cover completely
4. Then, roll the the coated ice cream ball in the second dish of crush corn flakes, cover completely
5. Place the coated ball immediately in the freezer for at least 4 to 6 hours
6. Repeat for all balls
7. Using tongs, gently drop ice cream ball into hot oil. Fry for 30-40 seconds until crisp. Place fried ice cream on serving dish. Serve immediately.
8. Finally, you can decorate with your own style either with chocolate syrup/ honey/ whipped cream
Gestational Diabetes
Well, fyi there are three main type of diabetes. type I, type II, and gestational diabetes..
Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease. This autoimmune disease results when the immune system fighting against parts of the body. The immune system attacks the insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas and destroys them. The pancreas then produces little or no insulin. A person who has type I diabetes must take insulin daily to live. Thus, it is called as insulin dependent diabetes.
Type II is the most common form of diabetes. Basically, for type II, the pancreas is usually producing enough insulin, but for unknown reasons, the body cannot use the insulin effectively. This condition known as insulin resistance or in any other words insulin non-dependent diabetes.
The last type is gestational diabetes.What is gestational diabetes?? Well, gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that the woman will get during pregnancy.
Diabetes is complicated to be explain pathologically. But in a nutshell, it means you have abnormal high level of sugar in your blood. And here's what happens:
When you eat, your digestive system breaks most of your food down into a type of sugar called glucose. The glucose enters your bloodstream and then, with the help insulin hormone, the insulin will use the glucose as fuel. However, if the body doesn't produce enough insulin or if the body cells have problem to respond to the insulin this will result to0 much glucose remains in your blood instead of moving into the cells and get converted to energy.

When you're pregnant, hormonal changes can make your cells responsive to insulin. When the body needs additional insulin, the pancreas dutifully secretes more of it. But if your pancreas can't keep up with the increased insulin demand during pregnancy, your blood glucose levels rise too high, resulting in gestational diabetes. Most women with the gestational diabetes don't remain diabetic after the baby is born. Once you've had gestational diabetes, though, you're at higher risk for getting it again during a future pregnancy and for developing diabetes later in life.
If your blood sugar levels are too high, too much glucose will end up in your baby's blood. When that happens, your baby's pancreas needs to produce more insulin to process the extra glucose. All this excess blood sugar and insulin can cause your baby to put on extra weight, particularly in the upper body.
Thi can lead to what's called macrosomia. A macrosomic baby may be too large to enter birth canal. Or the baby's head may enter birth canal but then his shoulders may get stuck. In this situation, called shoulder dystocia, the practitioner will have to use special maneuvers to deliver your baby. And sometimes doctors may recommend you to give birth by Cesarean section when they suspects that the baby may be overly large.
Shortly after birth, your baby may have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) because hi body will still be producing extra insulin in response to the excess glucose. This is much more likely if your blood sugar levels were high during pregnancy and especially during labour.
In conclusion, it is important to get your blood sugar in control during pregnancy. For all preggy moms outhere eat well-planned diet that have a correct balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrate as well as vitamins, iron and other minerals. Do moderate exercise like taking 20-30 minutes walking, just to improve body's ability to process the glucose. Or if you find difficulties in controlling blood sugar through diet and exercise, doctors will give you oral medication or if necessary insulin injection will be given, depends on some cases of gestational diabetes.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tears of MS..
Medical students are tough, strong and reliable. They are trained to become H.Os and later on M.Os. They are bombarded with so many things to read, memorize, digest, understand, and, of course they are tested again and again. They learn to talk, to walk and sleep like doctors. They think like physicians and surgeons. But to my most deepest concious, medical students break down along the way. Including me myself. They cry.
They tell their stories. They got scolded by lecturers, shouted by the staff nurses, and even got hammered by them as if medical students are just drags. Medical students sometimes could not cope with the pressure and tense feeling. That irritable feeling. Sigh.
They are often corrected by their lecturers. With good intentions, that they wont make mistakes again. But medical students are just people. We are just people. Nothing more...T_T
p/s: 3rd week of my clinical pray for me
They tell their stories. They got scolded by lecturers, shouted by the staff nurses, and even got hammered by them as if medical students are just drags. Medical students sometimes could not cope with the pressure and tense feeling. That irritable feeling. Sigh.
They are often corrected by their lecturers. With good intentions, that they wont make mistakes again. But medical students are just people. We are just people. Nothing more...T_T
p/s: 3rd week of my clinical pray for me
Friday, September 23, 2011
A Beautiful Reminder =)
Oh Allah...
I told you: I'm in pain
You said: 'Do not despair of the mercy of Allah' (39:53)
I told you: Nobody knows what is in my heart
You said: 'Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest' (13:28)
I told you: Many people hurt me
You said: 'So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them' (3:159)
I told you: I feel I'm alone
You said: 'We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein' (50:16)
I told you: My sins are so many
You said: 'And who can forgive sins except Allah?' (3:135)
I told you: Do not leave me
You said: 'So remember Me; I will remember you...' (2:152)
I told you: I'm facing a lot of difficulties in life
You said: 'And whoever fears Allah ? He will make for him a way out' (65:2)
I told you: I have many dreams that I want to come true
You said: 'Call upon Me; I will respond to you.' (40:60)
Friday, August 5, 2011
Bandung -Jakarta (Part 2)
Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone! Found some mood to continue update my new entry. So here we go :) Ermm..what is the first thing that cross to your mind when you heard the word Bandung? Perhaps air bandung?mee bandung?or....... Shopping?ngee~
Well, other than Pasar Baru, tempat shopping yang banyak attract tourist was Factory Outlet (FO). If you want to find some branded cloths, jeans, shoes, bags, the FO will be the shopping paradise for you. But kena pandai pilih la..They were certain brands that most likely fake. They mixed in with the other brands to make them look like real rejects.huhu
There were many FO in the Bandung city but the most popular one were along Jalan Riau, Jalan Dago and Jalan Setiabudi. The Secret, Heritage, Cascade, Terminal Tas, Rumah Mode, Oasis were among the FO shops that I could remember..
The Secret
Well, to be honest, I didn't buy anything at all from the Factory Outlet. huhu. Why so? Hmm..Because I didn't find the price like what I imagined.Thought that it would be cheap but the price was only sama je kalau beli kat Malaysia..Shopaholics may be differ with my opinion but for me they were just..hmm ordinary. Plus, if you come with lots of money that's a different story lah kan :P
Then, we went to Bandung Indah Plaza. BIP was the oldest shopping mall in the Bandung.. We were just do window shopping inside there jalan-jalan..and infront of the BIP there was a Merdeka Arcade Factory Outlet, while along the road they were many street vendors and hawkers.
Bandung Indah Plaza. Can you see the traffic infront BIP building? Its frightening. >,<
Recently, Bandung had just opened new shopping mall known as Paris van Java..tapi tak sempat nak ke sana due to time constraint. :(
After spending much time for shopping, then its time to search for dinner. We chose to eat Bebek that night. Do you know what is bebek? While Malaysian people call it duck, Indonesian call it as bebek. Bebek was quite famous in Indonesia. They were many stalls tepi2 jalan that serve bebek garang, bebek penyek, bebek crispy..haha.funny :P
Hm..when the food was served, I can see my friends' face was like saying " Can I eat this and not get sick?".haha.. However, we respect the food and ate the bebek slowly to enjoy the taste..:)
We enjoy the song too..well, not bad :)
Waah..perut suda kenyang..Ok.Our last destination that night was at Universitas Padjadjaran. Since our tourguide were students that came from that uni, thus we took this chance to visit there before we went home..:D
tadaa..! everyone with muka penat masing2..
Therefore, we changed our tentative by visiting Strawberry Farm..Stroberi pun stroberi la kan.. hee. Well, This Strawberry Farm let us pluck our own strawberries and charge according to the weight and we can get the strawberry ourselves at Rp 60,000/kg..
On the next morning, unfortunately, few of my friends were having diarrhea and stomach flu. We guess due to food poisoning and of course we were blaming that bebek.huhu..:P Soon after out tourguide knew that some of us having uncomfortable flu, he immediately bought us isotonic drink and paracetamol to relief the pain..
Isotonic drink 'Pocari Sweat' instead of 100Plus
That morning, we were actually planning to have a horse riding activity. Yah! I admit that I was very excited because that was one of my childhood dream! (kesian kan bunyinya..?)But unfortunately, as we arrived in front of the horse riding park, we were told that the place was closed for that day..sobs.='( (kesian lagi..)
Therefore, we changed our tentative by visiting Strawberry Farm..Stroberi pun stroberi la kan.. hee. Well, This Strawberry Farm let us pluck our own strawberries and charge according to the weight and we can get the strawberry ourselves at Rp 60,000/kg..
Everyone was ready to pluck the strawberry! err..belakon je tu. Bakul yg berisi stroberi hanya satu shj..
Strawberry farm. Nothing special..just like Cameron Highlands
Basically, our focus were just on shooting photos.he
Strawberry juice..fresh from the farm! Yumm..:)
All the berries were available.Blueberry..Rasberry..except Blackberry.hihi..and the berries taste sweet and best to eat in the same day. I have bought two packets of the berries :)
Spongebob's House
Enough with Strawberries, we were then continue our journey to Kampung Gajah. When I heard the name at first, I thought that it was a large place to maintain and train the elephant. But there was no elephant whatsoever here. Its just a name after all.
Kampung Gajah entrance
Many activities or outdoor games you can try here like ATV touring, Skyrider etc.There were also kids playground like Spongebob's House, Teletubbies House and the scenary was great!
We were sliding downwards!Spongebob's House
Teletubbies House.The house was too small for three of us..
When visiting here, be sure to spend enough money because in Kampung Gajah, many things that you will spend a little inside but really very satisfying :)
Okay.I guess that's enough for now..stay tuned for Part 3..
Thank you for reading this entry!:)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Bandung -Jakarta (Part 1)
Assalamualaikum everyone! Its been awhile since my last update. Huhu..kind of lazy to do the typing..:P
Well, two weeks ago, me and my friends went for a short trip to Bandung and Jakarta. 3 days at Bandung and another 2 days at Jakarta. It was such a very wonderful and unforgettable memories I have ever had since I’ve never been outside from Malaysia and also this is my very first time I enjoying vacation with my friends..:D
16th July 2011 was the day where I suddenly became a millionaire.hihi! However, having almost Rp 3,000,000 in my hands for a five days trip doesn’t make me richer financially but definitely richer in experience. Truly...
There are so many interesting tourist places in Bandung. Among them includes Pasar Baru, Factory Outlet, Tangkuban Perahu, Strawberry Farm, Kartika Sari, Kampung Gajah, Transtudio, Paris Van Java etc. But we only managed to visit few places due to matter of time and of course $$$$...
After finding our driver and tourguide, we first drop our huge luggage at the homestay that we chose. After we settled down abit, we were hungry of course, so there's a restaurant nearby our home. It's a Nasi Padang Restaurant. Well the lauk-pauk there were not much different like Malaysia. So tekak ni boleh la jugak menerimanya..Those who often or tend to get food poisoning when travelling there, i guess Nasi Padang was the most preferable one to eat :)
This is how Nasi Padang was served
I love ‘Alpokat’ (Avocado) juice here!:D
Then, our next destination was to shopping at Pasar Baru.You better prepare loads of cash before you come here! Baju kebaya, baju batik, telekung, tudung, shoes, bags, cloths and even kain for wedding are all available with very high quality material and soO beautiful..I respect people there because of their very tiny creativity in making such a lovely clothes! (Bukan senang nak jahit sulam2 halus tu.huhu..) Thus, if you love shopping, don't bring guys along with you because it was tooo0 crowded and hectic inside there (klu yg sabar mcm abah sy ok :P). Even me and my friends need to separate to do our own shopping. And at last I managed to grab 7 pieces of telekung, 3 pairs kain for raya and several blouses for myself...khalas :)
Pasar Baru entrance
Next day, we went to Tangkuban Perahu. It took us around an hour to reach the volcano from the city area. I just love the journey there, so classic and kampung-ish. Plus, there were lot of tea plantation and strawberry farm along the way to the Mount Tangkuban Perahu making me feel more tranquil and refreshing..
1 hour later, here we are, reach at the peak of the hill..Beautiful! The air was cool but with strong sulphuric smell..
The whether was just perfect, with a bit blue sky and white windy breeze around 22degree..
Below are few photos that I snapped while we were walking along the Tangkuban Perahu souvenir market :)
Es kelapa muda
Wood handicraft. I bought one!:)
Snake bones left and the skin were used to make wallet, handbags.. etc.
Mcm kepala orang yang kena penggal.hehe.. made from coconuts!
After visiting Tangkuban Perahu, we were then walking down to see Domas Crater or Kawah Domas. There exists many hot geysers. Walking down 1300m to the Kawah Domas was extremely painful. SeriOusly.. >,<
The view of the Kawah Domas crater from the summit of Mount Tangkuban Perahu
We were going downhill.1300m downwards to Kawah Domas..i feel the tremors..;( The track is rocky and slippery, a good pair of hiking shoes is needed. So kalau sapa-sapa yang bercadang nak pegi trekking ke crater tu, sila bawa kasut yang sesuai siap-siap, ok.
You can soak your tired feet in the pool of hot water, apply volcanic mud on your limbs for therapeutic effects or boiling eggs.
Towards noon, we left the place and proceeded to a fantastic restaurant! Its like ala-ala Bali..(Failed to recall the name.haha..) Their waiters welcome us at the entrance and guide us to where we’re supposed to be seated. This restaurant is set in a natural surroundings. Many wooden huts of different sizes (depends to the number of diners) are built. But everybody seems so tired and hungry at that moment. No photo2 session..naa..thats why lah I can't remember the name..:P
Okay!will be updating again on Part 2..InshaAllah..
Thank you for reading this entry! :)
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