Wednesday, January 2, 2013

*I'm taken :P* The Engagement :)

Assalamualaikum wbt..

I thought that I could update it earlier but since few days ago I ni malas sangat (hehe) and got few things that need to be settled first, so terpaksa la hold dulu tulis entry ni

23hb December 2012 was the day I am destined to be engaged with him. How time flies so fast. Even me myself feel kinda hard to believe that I am now already 'caught' :P But Alhamdulillah..after much discussions, tears, disputes, lectures, etc. it's finally happened..Thank you Allah :')

So, here are the moments..

Alhamdulillah :) Everything went smoothly. I'm officially engaged.. hee.. so HAPPY!  don't know how to describe my feeling right now. hehe..only people who has been through this step will feel this feeling. We are now one step closer. Only one more step to tie the knot In shaa Allah..We pray to Allah to make us strong to face all the things together, so that we can make it until the end of our life. Ameen :) May Allah swt bless our journey..

p/s: Rasulullah menjelaskan di dalam hadithnya yang bermaksudkan: "Sekiranya kamu mempunyai anak-anak perempuan yang sudah remaja, lalu datang seseorang yang datang meminang, jika kamu dapati laki-laki yang masuk meminang itu baik akhlaknya, agamanya dan sebagainya, maka segeralah kamu menikahkannya."