It's been a long time I haven't wrote my blog properly. If update pun, an effortless entry je.hue3..(*macam la ada orang nak baca). Well, I don't plan to update pun, but entahlah tiba2 sign in and here I am..hmm.too many things to be shared. So how should I start?
"If you are facing BIG tests in your life, it just means you will have a BIG destiny"
Being a grown up teenager, too many things I have learn from my experience and from the people surround me. And thru them, I learn all the do's and dont's..Melalui orang2 yang soleh solehah yang Allah 'hadirkan' dalam hidup ni, I learn to be His servant. Melalui orang2 yang 'kurang baik', I learn to not to do what He has forbidden.
But sometimes, there was a moment when I feel like down and frustrated yang kalau orang psycho sikit je dah mula dah keluar air mencurah-curah ke ladang gandum. The moment bila call dengar suara abah mama je pun dah boleh menangis keluar hingus tak hengat dunia. The moment when I really wanna talk and share with somebody but I have nobody to talk to and to rely on. yeah.that awful moment.
However, through those tough moment lah I learn how to build up my strength and that's what we call as life. Nak taknak, we have to go through some sad and sorrow moment. Happy all the time tu tak challenge lah kan. Monotonous je dull and boringg you know..hehe
In my humble opinion, sometimes, to be in a not-so-okay mood is better sebab waktu itu lah kita akan rasa kita rapat dengan Dia. You will start buat tahajud, dhuha, rajin baca Quran bla bla. Time tu even baca Bismillah or sebut Allahuakbar je pun, dah mula mata berkaca..tekak tersedu2..kenapa?sebab time itu lah kita rasa betapa kecil and kerdil nya diri kita. Yang sangat lemah dan tak punya apa-apa. Yang memang tanpa rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah, kita rasa tak tentu arah.
And through all those challenges we will learn to build our strength and soul. Bila kita berpura-pura menjadi kuat takde siapa nampak air mata kita yang tersembunyi melainkan Allah. Menyenangkan hati manusia itu susah tapi menyenangkan Allah itu adalah paling mudah. Manusia mungkin menghukum kesalahan yang kita lakukan, tetapi Allah tak pernah mengabaikan dan siap mengampunkan lagi kesalahan kita.
Allah's love is everywhere..Can you feel that? How sweeet :')
Life is a bless.simple words but yet huge meaning hidden behind it. It will not forever filled with joyful and happiness. Thus, if you feel like 'drowning', keep ur head up and keep ur heart strong. Have 300% faith in Him..